What it is?
Twice a week we host a #UKRunChat hour. During this time the running community come on to twitter to join in to talk about all things running. People come for advice, motivation and inspiration. Although the conversation on #ukrunchat is consistent all week long these 2 hours are the busiest times that the community come together. Conversations can range from talking about events and the latest products, to chaffing, biscuit of choice, or bits of banter between community teams.
#TeamRed, #TeamBlue & now #TeamGreen ?
The UKRunChat t-shirts comes in green, red & blue which has resulted in some friendly inter-team banter. Some pick one colour because they prefer it, others are in multiple teams.
When is the hour?
Wednesdays and Sundays 8-9pm.
How to get involved?
Come onto Twitter and search for #ukrunchat and keep an eye on the @UKRunChat account. Chat & reply using #ukrunchat in your post so that everyone can follow and find the chat easily later if they want to. Everyone is welcome, all levels of runners are involved from those who are only thinking about starting to run through to ultra runners.
Who hosts it?
We have 2 guests from the community who volunteer to co-host. These 2 co hosts are assisted by 2 of the UKRunChat team who are on the UKRunChat account. The co-hosts are free to pick a theme, ask their own questions during the hour, just get involved in the general chat, or all three.
Sponsors & Special Guests
We often have a sponsor or special guest which may act as a Q&A session and the UKRunChat community have the opportunity of finding out more about the sponsor/ guest.