I have read quite a lot of running books recently but this is the first one I’ve read that is fiction. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I loved it!
The story starts in London when Jon, the main character who is a normal guy that could be any of us, gets an email that very quickly changes his life and he embraces the opportunities that fly his way. Jon leaves his comfort zone behind him; & his clothes too when he ends up naked on a London Tourist attraction. Jon leaves his job & finds himself as 1 of 10 hopefuls training to run the New York Marathon; one of whom will win the amazing prize of a trip into space.
It didn’t take me long to read this as I couldn’t put it down. I almost missed my bus stop a couple of times as I was so engrossed & enjoying the story. It really is a fun & enjoyable tale & you get to know & love the characters (& dislike a couple of them too). There is humour, plenty of drama and it is so exciting- you really feel the excitement of the adventure.
This book shows that with one click of an email you can change your life. Embrace the opportunities that come your way and amazing things can happen. Sign up for a marathon and it will change your life.
I would highly recommend you get a copy of this book & have a read. It’s really fun…I will give one warning….You WILL want to run the New York Marathon after reading this! I plan to do it in 2017.