Dr Juliet McGrattan
Runner’s hands
There’s always talk of runner’s feet and the UKRunChat community love sharing gruesome photos of toenails in 50 shades of black! But, what about...
It’s not all about the running!
May I suggest you stand up while you read this? You’ll see why in a minute.
We all know exercise is good for us and...
Five steps to a successful return to running after illness by Dr Juliet.
Spring race targets are fast approaching. Whatever distance you’re training for it’s likely your plans are starting to crank up a gear with runs...
Runners with the Runs
Runners with the runs
Most of us will at some point have had that feeling when we’ve set off on a run and then suddenly...
Blood Sugar for Runners
I had such great feedback on my last blog ‘Blood Pressure for Runners’ that I’ve decided to stick with the ‘medicine made easy’ theme...
Knee Injuries
<Knee Injury
I’m keeping an eye on Twitter for your medical issues. Questions that are common or important are great for me to blog about...
Train Hard & Outrun Winter germs.
There’s been loads of chat about bugs and germs in the UKSportsChat community in the last few weeks. Disappointed runners having to miss their...
Tired all the Time
One of the commonest complaints I see as a GP is that of fatigue; people just feeling tired all the time. Invariably the person...
Dr Juliet McGrattans 1st blog for #UKRunChat – it’s a must read!
UKRunChat Welcomes Dr Juliet McGrattan
Hello everyone and welcome to my first GP blog for UKRunChat. Every month I’ll be answering some of your sports...