Running Industry Alliance (RIA) is celebrating its first anniversary this week (17th January), and it’s safe to say that it has had an overwhelmingly successful first twelve months.

Over 225 Foundation Members and Alliance Partners onboarded in the first year, with many more due to join. Click here to see the current Members . RIA has seen an exceptional growth since its launch, confirming that it had filled a gap in the running industry.

From meaningful member-to-member connections and a number of collaborations between members that would not have happened without Running Industry Alliance as the connector, RIA has been vital in bringing people and businesses together and contributing to impactful happenings that improve the sport and business of running in the UK and Ireland, and beyond. Some of these collaborations will be showcased on the RIA channels over the coming weeks, make sure you look out for them!

The first year also saw the successful delivery of the RIA members-only The Running Conference #TRC22 at Holywell Park Conference Centre, Loughborough University in December, which welcomed members from the various sectors of the running industry to get together including Brands, Retailers, Distributors, Events, Media, Communities, Charities, NGB’s, Service & System Providers, Suppliers and more.

The Running Conference was also the first opportunity for many to meet or catch up face to face, talk business and make new connections since the pandemic, with a real positive buzz in the air highlighting the importance of such events for the industry.

The dates for The Running Conference #TRC23 will be announced shortly, as well as for some social get togethers, satellite meet ups and networking events. There will also be a number of member-only webinars taking place to dive deeper into some of the subjects covered at The Running Conference 2022.

Co-Leads Rebecca Richardson and Jonathan Midwood from RIA said: “Happy 1st anniversary to Running Industry Alliance! We continue to be blown away by all the support and the positivity surrounding Running Industry Alliance, and we want to thank everyone involved and all current and future members for their ongoing support of RIA and the running industry as a whole.

“Running Industry Alliance is one – not just one year old but also one amazing business community with businesses of all sizes from the running industry collaborating and supporting each other. We are very passionate about the running industry as everybody knows, and what we are achieving together and amongst members continues to drive the running industry forward for the sport and business of running. Here’s to another great year ahead!”

Running Industry Alliance (RIA) is an independent National Trade Organisation built for the UK & Ireland Running Industry with the aim to collectively help its Members to drive the Running Industry forward to improve the Sport and Business of Running.

More details about RIA membership can be found on the website for anyone wanting to apply for membership and secure their place at The Running Conference 2023 #TRC23 .

RIA Members and Alliance Partners can be viewed here

For further details about Running Industry Alliance, membership and all other info please go to and follow the LinkedIn open company page.