Louis Robinett, a 9-year-old running sensation from Poole, Dorset, has stunned the sporting world by running a 5K in 17 minutes and 40 seconds, breaking the previous world record in his age category. This milestone was achieved at the Poole parkrun on the 7th of October and came with a remarkable age grade of 92.55%. The age-grading system, which evaluates an athlete’s performance against the world record for their age and gender, positions Louis at a World Class Level with a 92.55% grade.
Already known for breaking the UK Parkrun record for his under-11s age category last year, Louis’ latest feat elevates him from a national level to the fastest 9-year-old in the world over 5 kilometres.
Reacting to his groundbreaking achievement, Louis stated, “I’m on top of the world right now! It’s a huge deal to break a world record, and I couldn’t have done it without the support of my family and the team at Poole Runners.”
Louis’ father, Paul Robinett, admitted, “I’m no expert on running but I support my son whole-heartedly. His progression is all thanks to the dedicated coaching and support from the team at Poole Runners Juniors that Louis has reached this level of achievement.”
In line with Parkrun regulations, which mandate that children under eleven run within arm’s reach of an adult, Louis was accompanied by senior club member Dion Garner. Dion, an accomplished runner in his own right, praised Louis: “It’s been an absolute pleasure to run alongside Louis. His natural talent, combined with his dedication and spirit, is mind-blowing. He’s not just a star in the making; he’s a star right now.”
With his new world record, Louis Robinett has raised the bar for young athletes everywhere. This isn’t just a win for Louis, it’s a new benchmark for youth sports, inspiring children all over the world to aim higher.